November 2023: Custom Page URLs

November 2023: Custom Page URLs

Canonical URL
Welcome to the first ever Sotion Product Update! This is a short message that will go out once or twice a month whenever something interesting is added to the product.
Each Sotion product update will contain
  • Feature Focus highlighting a new feature, and
  • Rewind/Refresh to recap some of the existing capabilities.
If you signed up via Cloakist, then you'll also receive these updates as Sotion is our product dedicated to Notion sites.
Let's dive in!

Feature Focus: Custom Page URLs

notion image
By far one of the most requested features was Custom Page URLs.
No-one wants the ugly Notion URLs like this:
Say hi to Custom URLs!
Sotion will automatically turn the ugly Notion URL into a beautiful custom URL like this:
...and you can change it to anything you want!
Enable the setting from your Sotion Dashboard → Settings → Notion.
notion image

Rewind/Refresh: Custom Branding

With Sotion's custom branding you can personalise your site and optimise for SEO.
Here are all the settings you can change:
  • Title (og:title & twitter:title)
  • Description (og:description)
  • Logo Image & Favicon Image
  • Social Sharing Image (og:image & twitter:image)
The image upoad for logos and images was also recently update to make it easier for you to upload your image files.
Check it out on your Sotion Dashboard → Settings → Branding
I hope you enjoyed the update. If you have any feedback, questions, or comments let me know by simply replying to this email.
'till next time
Bruce, founder at