Make a Paid Membership site with Notion and Gumroad

Offer exclusive content like courses or ebooks with paid access on Notion, managed by Gumroad. Notion organizes while Gumroad handles payments.

Make a Paid Membership site with Notion and Gumroad
Offer exclusive content like courses or ebooks with paid access on Notion, managed by Gumroad. Notion organizes while Gumroad handles payments.
Want to offer exclusive content such as courses, info products, or ebooks with paid access to your resources? Notion provides the ideal platform for organizing and managing your content while Gumroad allows you to easily set up and manage payments.
Sotion brings together the best of Notion and Gumroad to give you a seamless Paid Memberships platform.
Let’s dive in…

1. Introduction to Notion and Gumroad and why they are great tools for creating a Paid Membership site

Overview of Notion and its benefits for creating a Paid Membership site

Notion is an all-in-one workspace for organizing all of your ideas and information. It is an incredibly powerful and versatile tool that can be used to create a wide variety of projects, including a Paid Membership site.
Notion's visual interface makes it easy to create, organize, and share ideas, while its drag and drop capabilities allows you to quickly assemble and rearrange content. Notion also allows you to collaborate with others who can work on the content together.

Overview of Gumroad and its benefits for creating a Paid Membership site

Gumroad is a powerful tool for creating a Paid Membership site. It allows you to easily set up once-off payments or a subscription-based membership system, and it integrates seamlessly with Notion via Sotion, making it easy to manage user accounts and content.
With Gumroad, you can quickly start accepting payments, customize pricing plans, and offer discounts and rewards. It also provides powerful analytics and reporting tools to help you track your membership site performance.
Sotion connects your Notion content to Gumroad payments, providing you the ability to monetize the content on your site.

What kind of content is good for your Paid Membership site

When starting a Paid Membership site, it is important to think about what kind of content you want to offer.
You might want to offer exclusive content such as webinars, podcasts, or ebooks. You could also offer paid access to resources such as courses, info products, and exclusive discounts.
Notion provides a platform for organizing and managing the content while Gumroad allows you to easily set up and manage payment plans. And Sotion will connect and manage it all for you.
With these tools, you can create a Paid Membership site that provides high-quality content and an easy way for members to make payments.

Benefits of creating a Paid Membership site with Notion and Gumroad

Creating a paid membership site with Notion and Gumroad is a great way to grow and monetize your business.
They offer flexibility, security, and ease of use, so you can focus on growing your membership site without worrying about the technical aspects.
Connecting your Notion content and Gumroad just became super easy with Sotion.
Get started here and «Try Sotion today»

2. Setting up a Notion account and creating your first page

How to set up a Notion account and create a page

Getting started with a Notion account and creating a workspace is a straightforward process.
To begin, go to and click ‘Try Notion free.’ Once you’ve provided your email address, you’ll be able to access your account.
Next, click the plus (+) sign next to the ‘Workspace’ menu, located in the left-hand side of the Notion homepage. This will open a form where you can enter the details of your page or start a new page from one of the provided templates.
After that, you’ll be able to start adding content, create more pages, and customizing your page to fit your needs.
When your page is ready to be shared, get the shared link, you’ll need this later.
notion image

3. Connecting your Notion page to Sotion

Now that you have your Notion page created and you have the shared link (from above), you are ready to link your Notion page to Sotion.
To start, head over to where you will be asked to enter the link to your Notion page and also provide a name for your website. Complete the signup by providing your email address and password.
Following the login link from the email you receive to access you Sotion dashboard.
Great! Your Notion page is not connected to Sotion. In the next steps we’ll help you set up the connection to Gumroad.

4. Setting up a Gumroad account and connecting it to Notion

Steps to setting up a Gumroad account

Setting up a Gumroad account is simple and easy - first, go to and click the 'Start Selling' button. You'll have the option to sign up with an email or log in with your social media account.
Once you've created an account, you'll be taken to a page to set up your product on Gumroad method. Now have a Gumroad account and you're ready to connect it to Notion for your paid membership site.

5. Next Steps: Connect Notion to Gumroad

Follow our Step by step guide, to Connect Notion to Gumroad using Sotion →
Sotion also offers integration with Stripe and Lemon Squeezy for Paid Memberships

Take control of your Notion site today!

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Bruce McLachlan

Written by

Bruce McLachlan

Meet Bruce, the founder behind Sotion, and explore his vision on enhancing Notion Pages. Get a glimpse of the journey and the future roadmap of Sotion.

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