How to Create a Paid Membership Site with Notion

Learn how to create a membership site with Notion using Sotion. This comprehensive guide covers everything from setting up your Notion pages to integrating paid membership options like Stripe, Lemon Squeezy, and Gumroad. Unlock the full potential of your Notion content today.

How to Create a Paid Membership Site with Notion
Learn how to create a membership site with Notion using Sotion. This comprehensive guide covers everything from setting up your Notion pages to integrating paid membership options like Stripe, Lemon Squeezy, and Gumroad. Unlock the full potential of your Notion content today.
Creating a paid membership site can be a powerful way to monetize your content and provide exclusive access to your audience. With Notion and Sotion, you can easily build a paid membership site that integrates seamlessly with your existing Notion pages.
This guide will walk you through the steps to create a membership site using Notion, leveraging Sotion's capabilities and various paid membership options.

Why Choose Notion for Your Membership Site?

Notion is a versatile tool that allows you to create and organize content in a highly customizable way. By integrating Notion with Sotion, you can add membership features and a paywall to your Notion pages, offering gated content, exclusive access, and a seamless user experience. Here are some key benefits:
  • Ease of Use: Notion's intuitive interface makes it easy to create and manage content.
  • Customization: You can design your pages exactly how you want them, with a variety of content types and layouts.
  • Integration: Sotion enhances Notion by adding membership management and payment processing capabilities.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Paid Membership Site with Notion

Step 1: Set Up Your Notion Pages

Before you can create a membership site, you need to have your Notion content ready. Organize your content into pages and sections that you want to restrict access to. Here are some tips for setting up your content:
  • Organize by Topic: Group related content together to make it easy for members to find what they're looking for.
  • Use Databases: Notion's database feature allows you to create dynamic content that can be filtered and sorted.
  • Isolate Content: For the best results, ensure you are not linking to content in your workspace that should not be accessible via your paid membership site.

Step 2: Connect Your Notion Pages to a Custom Domain

To provide a professional and branded experience, connect your Notion pages to a custom domain using Sotion. This ensures that your content is accessible through your own website URL, rather than a generic Notion link.
  1. Log in to Sotion and navigate to the Dashboard.
  1. Add Your Notion Page: Add the Notion page you want to connect to your custom domain.
  1. Set Up Your Domain: Follow the instructions to link your Notion page to your custom domain.
Refer to the Sotion guide on adding custom domains for detailed steps.

Step 3: Choose Your Membership Model

Sotion offers three types of paid membership options: Stripe, Lemon Squeezy, and Gumroad. Each platform has its own benefits and is suitable for different types of businesses. Here’s a brief overview:

Step 4: Enable Paid Membership Access

Once you have decided on a payment platform to use for your Notion content, enable one of the Paid Membership options in Sotion.
  1. Navigate to the Page Menu in Sotion.
  1. Under Membership Options, choose the appropriate option (e.g., Paid Membership with Stripe, Paid Membership with Lemon Squeezy, Paid Membership with Gumroad).
  1. Save Changes to enable the selected payment provider.

Step 5: Configure your selected payment platform

Each of the paid membership platforms requires their own configuration. Depending on your selection, the appropriate menu option for Stripe, Lemon Squeezy, or Gumroad will be visible.
  1. Go to the Sotion Dashboard and navigate to the settings for Stripe, Lemon Squeezy, or Gumroad.
  1. Configure your integration: Connect Sotion to your selected payment platform.
  1. Save Changes to apply the access controls.

Step 6: Customize the Member Experience

Enhance the member experience by customizing the login and access pages. Use Sotion's branding options to add your logo, customize the login page, member email options, and create a cohesive brand experience.
  1. Navigate to the Branding Settings in Sotion.
  1. Upload Your Logo and customize the color scheme.
  1. Adjust the copy for the login page and member emails.
  1. Save Changes to apply your custom branding.

Step 7: Automate Membership Management

Optionally, to further streamline the management of your membership site, use Sotion's Members API to integrate with any of your existing systems or automation tools like Zapier or Make. This allows you to automate tasks such as adding new members, sending login link emails, and more.
  1. Sotion Members API: The comprehensive integration guide will show you everything you need to integrate Sotion will all of your existing tools.
      • Access your API Keys from your Sotion Dashboard API menu
  1. Create Automated Workflows: For example, you can create a Zap to automatically add a new member to your Notion page when they complete a payment.

Step 8: Manage your Members

Once everything is connected and you have members signing up for your site, then you can manage all your membership access from Sotion. If your product is subscription based then a member’s access will automatically be revoked when their subscription ends.
  1. Navigate to the Members Setting in Sotion
  1. View all members that have signed up for your service and see which members have paid
  1. Find a member’s id to use in your integration
  1. Manually add a new member and grant them access to your site
  1. Delete a member to revoke their access


Creating a paid membership site with Notion and Sotion is a powerful way to monetize your content and provide exclusive access to your audience. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can set up a professional and branded membership site that integrates seamlessly with your Notion pages.
Start building your membership site with Sotion today and unlock the full potential of your Notion content.
For more detailed guides and resources, check out our blog posts on:
Happy building!

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Bruce McLachlan

Written by

Bruce McLachlan

Meet Bruce, the founder behind Sotion, and explore his vision on enhancing Notion Pages. Get a glimpse of the journey and the future roadmap of Sotion.

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