How to Add a Custom Domain to Your Notion Page with Sotion

Discover how to effortlessly add a custom domain to your Notion page using Sotion. Transform your Notion pages into professional websites, enhance your brand's presence, and manage your content with ease.

How to Add a Custom Domain to Your Notion Page with Sotion
Discover how to effortlessly add a custom domain to your Notion page using Sotion. Transform your Notion pages into professional websites, enhance your brand's presence, and manage your content with ease.
Creating and maintaining a website can be daunting, often requiring extensive technical knowledge. Terms like domain, SSL certificates, hosting, and webpage can feel overwhelming. However, what if I told you that setting up a website from your existing Notion page is easier than you think?
In this guide, I will walk you through the simple steps to create a ready-made website using Sotion, making it easy and accessible for everyone.

Why Use a Custom Domain for Your Notion Page?

What is a Custom Domain?

A custom domain is the unique URL of your website that you own and manage. This domain is registered to you or your company, ensuring no one else can use the same name. Think of it as your personal property on the internet where your website resides.

Why Notion?

Many individuals, startups, and companies use Notion to create and manage their documents and content. With Notion's powerful features, you can easily create websites directly from your Notion pages. However, the default Notion links are not ideal for serious branding.

Benefits of a Custom Domain

  1. Professional Appearance: Replace the long, unattractive Notion links with a clean, branded URL, such as
  1. Brand Identity: Visitors can identify with your brand, enhancing trust and recognition.
  1. Enhanced Features: Customize branding, social media previews, and integrate analytics and third-party tools.
  1. Visitor Retention: Keep visitors on your website instead of redirecting them to Notion.

Introducing Sotion: Supercharge Your Notion Pages

Sotion makes it easy to add a custom domain to your Notion page, offering a range of features to enhance your website:
  • Configure social media sharing images and titles.
  • Full navigation between multiple Notion pages from your custom domain.
  • Assign sub-domains to various Notion pages.

Step-by-Step Guide to Connecting a Custom Domain to Your Notion Page

Step 1: Prepare your domain and Notion page

  1. Buy a Domain: Purchase a new domain or reuse an existing one.
      • You can register a new domain on services like Cloudflare, Namecheap, or GoDaddy
      • Connect your root domain ( or or a subdomain (
  1. Create a Public Notion Page: This will become your new website.

Step 2: Setting Up with Sotion

  1. Register for an Account: Visit the Sotion website and sign up for a free account.
  1. Connect Your Notion Page:
      • Enter the link to your Notion page
      • Enter a name for your site (later you can add your custom domain name)
      • Enter your name, email, and create a password.
  1. Link Your Domain: Follow the instructions in your Sotion Dashboard to connect your domain service.

Step 3: Customizing Your Site

Once connected, customize your site directly from the Sotion Dashboard:
  • Change branding and social images.
  • Add password protection or email sign-up.
  • Configure other customizations.

Advanced Features: Password Protection and Membership Management

With Sotion, you have several options to control access to your Notion page:
  1. Open Access: The default setting allows anyone to view your content.
  1. Password Protection: Secure sensitive information with a customizable password page.
      • Adding a password to your site is convenient if you want to share sensitive information that can only be accessed if a user enters the correct password. Sotion will allow you to choose your own password and customize the password page with your own branding and instructions for the user.
      • Once the correct password is entered, the user will be taken directly to the Notion site at your custom domain.
  1. Email Sign-ups: Collect validated email addresses before granting access.
      • Collecting Email Sign ups are great for when you want to share content or information on your website and want to build a list of (validated) email addresses of people interested in your site.
      • When a new visitor tries to access your page they will be asked to enter their email address. Once entered they will receive an email with a link to log in to your site (thereby validating their email address).
      • You will also receive an email whenever a new visitor signs up to view your page. The message your receive will contain the email address of the visitor signing up for your site.
  1. Restricted Email List: Create a member-only site by specifying allowed email addresses.
      • This is a great option when you want to specify a list of email addresses that are allowed to access your site.
      • Only members that you have added will be allowed to log in and view your site.
      • When a member visits your site and enters their email address they will receive an email with a link to log in to your site (if you allowed them)
  • Paid Memberships: Create a paid membership site with your Notion content.
    • By leveraging paid memberships with Sotion, you can effectively monetize your Notion content, maintain control over who accesses your content, and build a loyal and engaged community around your brand.
    • Sotion enables you to integrate with Stripe, Lemon Squeezy, or Gumroad
    • Learn more about Paid Memberships for Notion

Sotion and Cloakist: Beyond Notion Pages

Sotion is part of the Cloakist platform, which offers custom domains and branding for various services, including Airtable, ClickUp, Linktree, Calendly, Adobe Spark, Trello, and more. No coding required, just a few clicks in Cloakist.
Explore all possibilities here:

Get Started with Sotion Today

Ready to transform your Notion pages into professional websites? Get started with Sotion and take advantage of our 7-day free trial. No credit card required.
7-day free trial. No credit card required to sign up.

User Testimonials

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I use my existing domain with Sotion? A: Yes, you can use an existing domain or purchase a new one through various domain registration services.
Q: How long does it take to connect a custom domain to my Notion page? A: The process is quick and can be completed in just a few minutes through the Sotion Dashboard.
Q: Can I track analytics on my Notion page after connecting a custom domain? A: Yes, you can integrate third-party tools to track analytics, engage with web chat, and more.

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Bruce McLachlan

Written by

Bruce McLachlan

Meet Bruce, the founder behind Sotion, and explore his vision on enhancing Notion Pages. Get a glimpse of the journey and the future roadmap of Sotion.