What are the types of Notion content Sotion is used for?

Discover various content types to protect or even monetize with Sotion. Learn how to effectively use Sotion for your custom membership site.

What are the types of Notion content Sotion is used for?
Discover various content types to protect or even monetize with Sotion. Learn how to effectively use Sotion for your custom membership site.
If you need to publish some of your Notion content to your website, check out our Notion Website Builder.
If you need more control and protection over your content, or if you need to create Members-only access to your Notion content, check out our Membership Management for Notion.
Examples of Notion content that are well-suited for a website or membership site using Sotion:

🎓 Online Courses

Sotion is a great tool for creating and selling online courses. You can use Notion to create a structured course curriculum and use Sotion to control access to the course content.
Create a course or online training website. You can include course descriptions, videos, quizzes, with paid memberships and email sign-ups options.

💼 Job Spec and Career Pages

Create a professional-looking job spec or career pages using Sotion. Include essential details such as job title, responsibilities, required skills and qualifications, salary range, and application instructions. With password protection, you can ensure that only authorized individuals have access to the job spec, maintaining confidentiality and streamlining the hiring process.

🎨 Design Brief

Utilize Sotion's features to create an engaging design brief. In your brief, include project objectives, target audience, brand guidelines, design specifications, and desired timeline. With password protection, you can ensure that only authorized individuals have access to the design brief, facilitating smooth collaboration and maintaining project confidentiality.

🗄️ Data Room

Sotion can be used to turn a Notion page into a data room with a custom domain, password protection, and email sign-ups. This custom website can serve as the central location to access important documents and information for investors, clients or project stakeholders.

💼 VC or Fund Managers

Sotion can be used by VCs to create custom websites for their portfolio companies, including company descriptions, pitch decks, and funding information. These websites can be password protected and include paid membership options to showcase a curated list of startups for potential investors.

🔒 Premium Articles or Reports

If you publish articles or reports on a regular basis, you can use Sotion to create a paid membership program that gives members access to premium content.

📚 Ebooks

Sotion can be used to sell digital copies of ebooks, allowing you to easily distribute your content to a wide audience.

💡 Info Products

Sotion can be used to create a custom website for an info product created in Notion. By converting a Notion page into a website, users can sell and promote their info-product with features such as password protection, paid memberships, and optional email sign-ups for regular updates or purchases.

🎥 Video Content

Sotion can be used to sell access to video content, such as webinars, lectures, or educational videos.

🎧 Audio Content

Sotion can be used to sell access to audio content, such as podcasts, music, or spoken word recordings.

🎤 Workshops or Events

Sotion can help you create an event website with ticketing and registration features. You can create event information pages, create a custom domain, password protection and email sign-ups.

🗃️ Business Websites

Sotion can be used to create business websites by turning a Notion page into a custom domain with password protection and email sign-ups. This allows businesses to showcase their products, services, and company information in a professional manner, with options for paid memberships for exclusive content.

📝 Bio or Resume or CV

Sotion can help you create a professional-looking resume or CV. You can use Notion's built-in templates and layout to create a unique look for your resume.

📁 Portfolio

You can use Sotion to create a portfolio of your work. Showcase your projects, articles, and designs with a custom domain, password protection, and paid memberships.

📖 Knowledge Base or Help Center

You can use Sotion to create a knowledge base or help center for your website. You can include FAQs, How-to articles, or support documents with password protection and custom domain options.

💪 Fitness Programs

Sotion can help fitness enthusiasts and personal trainers create and sell tailored fitness programs. With password protection and paid memberships, you can provide exclusive access to workout routines, nutritional guides, and progress tracking tools.

🖥️ Personal Websites

Sotion can be used to convert a Notion page into a custom personal website. This allows users to showcase their personal profiles, blogs, or portfolios with features such as password protection, paid memberships, and optional email sign-ups for updates.

🌱 Gardening Guides

Create a comprehensive gardening guide using Notion and publish it with Sotion. Whether it's tips for growing vegetables, caring for indoor plants, or landscaping advice, users can access the guide on a custom domain with the option to sign up for email updates or purchase premium content.

🏠 Home Improvement Projects

Sotion is an ideal platform for homeowners looking to showcase their home improvement projects. From renovation tutorials to DIY tips and tricks, users can access step-by-step guides on a custom domain, with the ability to join paid membership for exclusive content.

🖌️ Art and Design Tutorials

Sotion provides a perfect platform for artists and designers to share their knowledge and skills. Create tutorials on various art techniques, design principles, or software tutorials. With password protection and paid memberships, users can access premium content, participate in workshops, and receive regular updates.

🎮 Gaming Strategies and Guides

For gamers, Sotion offers an opportunity to publish gaming strategies, walkthroughs, and guides. Whether it's tips on improving scores, character builds, or in-depth game analysis, users can benefit from exclusive access to premium gaming content on a custom domain with password protection and optional email sign-ups.
♾ The possibilities are literally endless…

⭐️ You bring the Notion content, Sotion does the rest

Password Protection

  • Protect your site with a single password

Email Sign Up

  • Require an email address for access to your site

Restricted Email List

  • You control which email addresses can access your site
  • Members get access once they pay via Stripe, Lemon Squeezy, or Gumroad

Take control of your Notion site today!

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Bruce McLachlan

Written by

Bruce McLachlan

Meet Bruce, the founder behind Sotion, and explore his vision on enhancing Notion Pages. Get a glimpse of the journey and the future roadmap of Sotion.

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